Today an article about how I approach my days as a forex trader and entrepreneur. You will get a sneak peek into my life filled with booze and hookers. Kidding, I will take you through a normal day of my life. I will explain what I do and why I do these things. Hopefully you will learn something and hopefully, it’s entertaining. Let’s get started.
Waking up
This day in the life of a forex trader starts with waking up, obviously. I usually wake up at around 7.30 in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I do some light stretching to wake up my body. I do have some back issues so I start with some exercises to loosen things up. After my stretching, I meditate for about 10 minutes. This gives me a clear mind. I drink two big glasses of water to hydrate my body, which is really important in the morning.
I am someone that usually is very fast-paced/rushed. This is a bad habit of mine. Meditation allows me to take a step back and to go slower, which is better for me. It also trains my brain to focus better. I can highly recommend this. Also, it helps to figure out if things are bothering me.
For example, if I notice the same thoughts coming back to my mind every single day during meditation, I know something is up and I should fix something. During the day we tend to be so focused on work, after work we are so distracted. Because of this we never listen to ourselves. Meditating forces you to.
When is the last time you have really done nothing and just listened to yourself?
Meditation builds a relationship with yourself, which is really important. After meditating I freshen up, I do my hair and those types of things.
As you can see, a part of this day in the life is dedicated to my happiness and well-being.
The morning
My workday starts at around 8AM. I don’t have breakfast until 10AM as I do intermittent fasting. I like it and it gives me clarity and focus.
I start by checking the charts to see if my trades are still on and to see if everything is going as it is supposed to be going. Then, I fill in my trading journal if trades are triggered overnight. I highlight key levels and I watch how the market trades into these levels. This is for educational purposes. I always like to stay in tune with the markets. It also gives me new ideas to backtest. I write these things down.
After looking at the charts the morning is filled with working on my business (CDFX Trading) and working on my trading. I backtest ideas to increase my edge. I work on marketing for my business and I create content, such as this article.
At around 10AM I have breakfast. This breakfast consists of:
White fish
Black coffee
You might be thinking: what a weirdo!
Who the f*ck eats fish in the morning??
I do. I like to eat clean. I start the day with some lean protein. It’s easy to digest and allows my intestines to start the day slowly. The coffee has a lot of benefits. And of course, the caffeine gives me a better focus.
After breakfast I usually do some reading. I like to read 20-30 minutes a day to learn something new.
Then, back to the office.

Then another few hours of backtesting and working on my business. The usual stuff.
In between I have some fruits and some nuts. Healthy fats & vitamins to keep my body healthy.
Most people live like they have 10 more body’s waiting in the fridge that they can use whenever the one they have right now is broken. I think that’s ridiculous. I like to take care of my health.
Everyone is getting fat, lazy and depressed these days. If you are someone that takes care of himself, you will stand out. Being fat is getting normal. Don’t be normal. Be you, be the best you.
The afternoon
At around 1PM I have lunch. I usually go to the gym after lunch. On the day’s that I don’t work out, I have eggs or sardines and some bread. When I go to the gym, I have a high carb meal to get some fuel in for the workout.
Working out is very healthy. I have been working out for about 7-8 years. Not only to get that Greek god body that I have (no, I won’t put a picture of that amazing body in here), but also to just stay healthy and get away from the screens. I lift weights 4 times a week, I do kickboxing once a week and I walk multiple times a week.
I like to lift heavy and I really go all in. After the workout I’m fully refreshed and ready to work again.
This is the benefit of being your own boss. I can have a workout whenever I want. I have freedom to do this.
The reason I do it in the middle of the day is because it allows me to break my day up in two parts. It allows my body to move instead of sitting behind my desk all day. Believe me, it can cause back issues.
After the workout
After the workout I hop in the shower, get a meal and get back to work. The afternoon is focused on connecting with traders, improving my business and making content.
As you can see, this day in the life of a forex trader is nothing crazy.
No Lamborghini’s, naked girls and cocktails.
Just me, working on my trading, business and health.
When I’m finished working, at around 5.30PM, I start cooking dinner. I have dinner at around 6PM. Then I usually do some meditation to end my work day. I am someone that usually after finishing work, is still busy in his mind with work. Having a clear border between work time and relaxation time (the evening meditation) allows me to close things off.
In the evenings I spend time with my girlfriend or with friends. Before I go to bed, I check the charts to see how the day closes and to see if I have to put in an order.
I go to bed at around 10PM.
So, is this a day in the life of a forex trader?
This is an example of how I spent an average day, a day in the life of a real forex trader. However, you might be wondering, where is the fun?
Let’s dive into that.
The fun part of the day in the life as a forex trader
Because my work is fully online, I can basically work whenever I want, from where I want and when I want. This gives me more freedom than most people have.
I like to go on holiday often. I like to travel. I go on holiday multiple times per year. I live in Holland and the weather here is just sh*t usually. So, when it’s raining a lot, I like to go to sunny countries, like Egypt or the Canarias, whatever crosses my mind. During my holidays I just fully relax. Yes, I do bring my laptop to enter trades, but other than that, no work.
Just relaxing in the sun, eating, working out and exploring countries.
Yes, I work out on holiday. Not because I’m obsessed but because I just enjoy it. No need to be sitting next to the pool at 10AM with a bag of Doritos, which a lot of people do.
When I’m not on holiday, during the weekends I also have fun. (I really do)
On the weekends I work out, visit friends and have an occasional party. I also like to go bowling or to go midget golfing. Whatever I feel like, I will do.
I think in this day and age many people overdo things. If they try healthy eating, they will try to force themselves to never eat anything unhealthy. When they do, they feel like sh*t, which makes them eat more sh*t food. Yes, it’s important to work on your health, but it’s also important to just relax and if you want something, just do it. Don’t turn down that inner voice. Listen to it, do things in moderation. It’s all about balance.
I eat clean during the week. During the weekend, I do sometimes have pizza or whatever I like. It’s about balance.
During the week I don’t drink alcohol. During the weekend, I might. All about balance.
Balance guys, balance.
Real day in the life of a forex trader
This is a real day in the life of a forex trader. Now, before I end this disappointing article, I want to share some tips about:
Psychical health
Mental health
Psychical health
A part of this day in the life of a forex trader is dedicated to taking care of my health. I think health is extremely important, especially if you sit a lot and if you work from home. It can be very easy to just focus on work and neglect other things. There is more to life than work.
If you want to improve your physical health, it’s essential to move every single day. I prefer working out and lifting heavy. Why? It increases your physical fitness; it improves your posture and it increases testosterone. All very important points to consider.
Tip: Start working out at least 3 times a week.
Trust me, it will make a huge difference in terms of your energy levels and how you feel about yourself. Extra bonus? A Greek god body, just like I have.
Mental health
Something that is often overlooked is mental health. If you suffer mentally, your body will also suffer. Mental health can be the origin of many psychical health issues and therefore should be taken seriously. Questions to ask yourself regularly are:
Do I look forward to this day?
Do I like what I do?
What gives me energy?
What costs me energy?
Be real with yourself. Sit in a quiet room and ask yourself these questions. The answers can be eye opening and life changing. If you never look forward to your day, you might want to change what you are doing.
If you don’t like what you do, make changes. No one is forcing you to do anything, it’s all in your mind.
What costs you a lot of energy? What gives you energy? If you feel like sh*t, do more of what gives you energy and less of what drains you.
I get it, some things need to be done, but be aware of it and make subtle changes.
Your diet is just so important and that’s why I want to talk about that in this day in the life of a forex trader article. Guys, eat clean. Believe me. I used to be a kid with so much acne. It made me insecure. I was eating pie every single week, I drank those energy drinks and ate a lot of chocolate. I never got fat because I moved a lot, but man my skin looked like sh*t. I also didn’t have any energy to do stuff.
Then, I changed.
Clean meat, clean fish, vegetables. You will really feel different if you start eating healthy guys. Eat more vegetables. Focus on healthy fats & healthy carbs. Get those proteins in. It makes you feel better and if you work out just like I do, it builds your muscles.
A day in the life of a forex trader without trading tips? Of course not! One tip I would like to give you is to think about this as an actual university study. It is going to take you multiple years to master the craft. Then, it takes a lot of time to get enough capital to trade for a living. Take it slowly. Interact with other traders. Ask questions. Make notes and listen to people that do it for a living. Enjoy the ride.
Trading is a fun game. Don’t make it too serious. Do treat it seriously, but don’t let it absorb your life.
Don’t force yourself.
On this website and on my YouTube channel you can find enough free information to build a great foundation as a trader.
Take small steps. Watch a video a day and take notes. Read a blog a day and take notes. Organize the information and before you know it, you have a great foundation.
The end of this day in the life of a forex trader article
This is the end of this day in the life of a forex trader article. Hopefully, you liked it. Hopefully, you learned something from it. Take notes of the tips that I gave you. Improve your health, life and trading. Take action and become better in your life and in trading.
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